Blowing out a transmission isn't one of those things that just happens. Quite often, it is the result of poor driving and maintenance habits that put too much stress on the transmission and other moving parts of the vehicle.
Although there are cases where your transmission may blow due to an unavoidable reason such as a design or manufacturing mistake, it's usually easy to avoid blowing out your transmission by doing or avoiding certain things.
Olivia Carroll
- BMW engine oil is nothing particularly special. In fact, the company does not make a brand-name oil to use in its vehicles. It does, however, require that you use only synthetic engine oils. That is not a rule that should be broken -- ever. Here are the reasons why engine oil for "beamers" or "bimmers" has to be synthetic and why these makes of cars are so different from other vehicles.
- The engine is one of the most important parts of your vehicle, and if it stops working correctly or efficiently, you'll need to find a replacement. Here are three engine options you might consider to get your vehicle performing great again. Used Engines New engines can range into the thousands, especially if your vehicle is bigger and requires a lot of power. A more economical choice might be used engines. You can often find them at half the costs of new engines, and a lot of them are just as reliable as brand new models.
- There are some parts of your car that you can get by without replacing and still be safe. For example, if there is damage to your front bumper, you may be able to hold out for a while before replacing it. As long as the headlight is still intact and your bumper isn't dangling, you should be okay. However, due to safety concerns, there are certain auto parts that you should replace as soon as possible.
- One of the easiest ways to get rid of a car that no longer runs is to call a junk company, whether it's one that you pay to haul away or one that will pay you for the body of the car and its salvageable parts. The process is fast and painless, but like all car transfers, it leaves behind a few last tasks; ignoring these isn't an option. At best you'll just have an annoyance, but worse scenarios involve potential legal issues.